After the Final Whistle | Nelson Semedo

Wolves' Portuguese defender Nelson Semedo shares what he gets up to once the game is finished in the latest edition of After the Final Whistle.

Back in the changing room

“After I take my clothes off, obviously, I like to go to the cold water to do recovery – it’s the best way to recover after the game. I’ll do some massages, it’s the first thing I do after.”

Reacting to a win or loss

“It depends. Sometimes I’m frustrated so I go straight home after a bad game to forget about it. When we win, it’s busier because everybody’s happy, we have music in the dressing room, so I chill and have time to do everything.”

Speaking to the press

“Sometimes, the first thing I like to do after a game is recover and do my best to be fit for the next game, so with the press if I have to, I do it, but if I can choose, I prefer not to.”

Starting recovery

“I do an ice bath and a massage, and wear recovery leggings straight after the game. When I go home, I’ve got two kids, so have no time to rest there. I try to do what I can at home, but it’s difficult.”

Post-match food

“I don’t mind. Something fresh – it’s easier to eat.”

Getting over a defeat

“Sometimes you don’t have too much time to think because we play in three days. You just have to think of the next game. The bad things try to do better, and the good things even better. It depends.”

Watching the game back

“I don’t watch my games after. I have an idea what I did right and wrong, and I don’t like to see the games after.”

Social media reaction

“I don’t read comments or anything. No chance. I try to call my wife and kids. I’m not a guy who spends a lot of time on social media.”

Relaxing and recovering

“I try to rest as much as I can. It depends if we play after three or four days or next weekend. If we play next weekend, we have time to recover, if that’s the case I’ll chill and play the PlayStation with my friends. After a game, I struggle to sleep even if I go to bed. I stay awake.”

Talking it through

“After the game I speak to my wife and kids first. Sometimes my mum wants to see if I’m OK. She’s happy when we win, but he first thoughts are to see if I’m OK. My kids, I call them to see how they are.”