Joao Gomes: The Pitbull | Childhood, Wolverhampton & O'Neil

Joao Gomes says he feels “truly at home” in Wolverhampton, which is visible throughout Wolves Studios’ latest documentary Joao Gomes: The Pitbull.

The 23-year-old invited the cameras behind the scenes of his own home and the club’s training ground, covering his first full season with the Old Gold, following his January 2023 move from Flamengo in his home nation.

It was a fellow Brazilian Matheus Cunha who made him feel at home in the UK, while the arrival of Gary O’Neil last summer saw the midfielder evolve into a crucial first-team player at Molineux, and both were picked out for special praise in the documentary.

With quotes exclusively for Joao Gomes: The Pitbull, presents some of the best bits on the latest documentary, which is available to watch on the Wolves App and the official Wolves YouTube channel.

On O’Neil’s impact on him

“Let me tell you, he’s the kind of guy who does everything for us and I’ll do whatever I can to help him. He worries a lot more about me than people from my own family. That bond I have with him is great. 

“Gary has always been very understanding because he knows I left Brazil to come here and it’s a different country, different culture, another way of playing. He gave me a lot of confidence and he made me see that I can be a key player, not just someone people will forget about in two years’ time but rather someone who can be remembered forever.”     

On being settled in Wolverhampton

“I like the nature here. There are so many green areas out in the open for you to go visit with your wife and dogs and have a picnic. Those are the little things that matter and that I’m passionate about. 

“I’m not one to go out. I’d rather stay at home to enjoy the company of the people I love and admire. Here I have a great house and car, so I didn’t feel much of a difference from Rio to here. It was mostly the weather but apart from that, I truly feel at home.”

On looking back at his childhood

“I’m from a community where there’s a lot to do. Everyone has a different idea of what a favela is. I’m from a community that doesn’t look like a community. We don’t have as many opportunities as someone from here, but you have talented people who are never found due to that lack of opportunity.

“You can find people a lot better than me, but who never got the same chances in life. My dream is to build an academy there to offer the chances to those with talent that are often wasted away.”

On his friendship with Cunha

“Matheus was the person who supported me the most here because he left Brazil at a young age. I think he left when he was 18 years old. He’s been through that situation and understands it better because he speaks English, Spanish, French - he speaks several languages. He already has that communication aspect down.

“Whether on or off the pitch, he was very important for me and for my adaptation because I’m sure that it would’ve been a lot more difficult without him here. I first met him here and as we grew closer, so did our friendship, which I’m thankful for.”

On the season ahead at Wolves

“I’m very excited about what we’re going to build during this pre-season preparation. I think we’re going to make Wolves supporters happy.

“On a personal level, I hope to become the best version of myself and score more goals because I think that makes all the difference between being a good or great player. I hope I can take Wolverhampton to European competitions because that’s one of my biggest wishes. I hope we can surprise everyone in a good way.”

On the fans here at Wolves

“They’re wonderful. They’re very passionate about football, but they can tell the difference between who I am on and off the pitch. They respect me a lot. Nowadays I can go out for a walk like a normal person and, of course, you have people stopping you here or there but it’s not over the top like it was in Rio.”

Joao Gomes: The Pitbull is now available to watch on the Wolves App and the official Wolves YouTube channel. Click here to download/open the Wolves App.