Safeguarding within our Soccer Schools

At Wolves, we want our children and young people to be happy and safe. Children have the right to be safe wherever they are: at home, school, out and about and at football.

 Everyone at Wolves FC has a responsibility to make sure that the well-being of children and young people is put first. All our staff have gone through a safer recruitment process and additional safeguarding training. We are always open to hearing any concerns you may have (or even any compliments you may have!)

We are committed to:

  • Listening to children and young people
  • Making sure children and young people are safe
  • Acting when needed

You can find all our Policies relating to children and young people here including how to raise a concern

What is Abuse?

Abuse is anything another person does that could cause harm. Abuse can happen in families, school, Academies, online…. literally anywhere.

There are different types of abuse:

  • PHYSICAL ABUSE – When someone is hurting a child. Things like: – Hitting, smacking, and slapping, scalding, or burning you, spitting, throwing, shaking, suffocating.
  • SEXUAL ABUSE – This is when someone: – touches a child, says things that may make a child feel uncomfortable or makes a child watch something that make them feel uncomfortable.
  • EMOTIONAL ABUSE – This is when a person intentionally makes someone feel bad about themself, ignores them, or puts them down. Some examples are: – Putting someone in a dangerous situation, calling them names, being aggressive and violent to other people in your family.
  • BULLYING – Means different things to different people. Generally, it’s when someone is made to feel bad or humiliated by name calling, pushing, or pulling or being threatened. This can happen anywhere - online or offline.
  • NEGLECT – is when you don’t have the things you really need to be well. Things like: Food, clean clothes, medicine. It also includes things like protection from harm and dangerous people.

If you think a child or young person might be experiencing the above things, then you should try and tell someone – that someone can be us. – Football Development Department – Head of Safeguarding Safeguarding Manager